
Default Headline and Sub-Head Typefaces

The recommended default headline typeface options are Cheltenham Bold or Cheltenham Ultra.

Cheltenham Bold WEB

Cheltenham Bold
Weight: 700
Style: normal

Cheltenham Bold Italic WEB

Cheltenham Bold Italic
Weight: 700
Style: italic

Cheltenham Ultra WEB

Cheltenham Ultra
Weight: 900
Style: normal

Cheltenham Ultra Italic WEB

Cheltenham Ultra Italic
Weight: 900
Style: italic

Optional Headline and Sub-Head typefaces

Optional headline and sub-head typefaces are Cheltenham Bold Condensed and Cheltenham Ultra Condensed.

Cheltenham Bold Condensed WEB

Cheltenham Bold Condensed
Weight: 700
Style: normal

Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic WEB

Cheltenham Bold Condensed Italic
Weight: 700
Style: italic

Cheltenham Ultra Condensed WEB

Cheltenham Ultra Condensed
Weight: 700
Style: normal

Cheltenham Ultra Condensed Italic WEB

Cheltenham Ultra Condensed Italic
Weight: 700
Style: italic

Default Body Copy Typefaces

The recommended default body copy typeface options are Cheltenham Light or Cheltenham Book.

Cheltenham Light WEB

Cheltenham Light
Weight: 100
Style: normal

Cheltenham Light Italic WEB

Cheltenham Light Italic
Weight: 100
Style: italic

Cheltenham Book WEB

Cheltenham Book
Weight: 400
Style: normal

Cheltenham Book Italic WEB

Cheltenham Book Italic
Weight: 400
Style: italic

Optional Body Copy Typefaces

Optional body copy typeface options are Cheltenham Light Condensed or Cheltenham Book Condensed.

Cheltenham Light Condensed WEB

Cheltenham Light Condensed
Weight: 400
Style: normal

Cheltenham Light Condensed Italic WEB

Cheltenham Light Condensed Italic
Weight: 400
Style: italic

Cheltenham Book Condensed WEB

Cheltenham Book Condensed
Weight: 400
Style: normal

Cheltenham Book Condensed Italic WEB

Cheltenham Book Condensed Italic
Weight: 400
Style: italic

Display Font for Product Pricing and Product Promotions

Shelf signs, cooler clings, oil cloths, etc.

Use in outline form for product pricing and headlines. Outline form can be created by adding a thick, black, stroke to the price or headline. The stroke should be the same width & weight across all characters of the price or headline, in a given instance.

Use in regular form for body text.

Do not use for disclaimers, body copy or fine print.

Aachen Bold WEB

Aachen Bold
Weight: 300
Style: normal

Display Font for “Uncle Rick” Signature or Attribution

Use in any print or digital display ads that utilize a “quote” from the brand character, “Uncle Rick”, as his signature. See example at right.

Do not use for headlines, body copy, disclaimers, or for any other type beyond the described use in the above paragraph.

Hand of Sean WEB

Hand of Sean
Weight: 300
Style: normal


ITC Souvenir Medium and ITC Souvenir Demi Bold should only be used for interior store signage; it should not be used in advertising or store kits. Contact Rich Davies (rich@vreeland.com) at Vreeland Marketing + Design to obtain correct versions of ITC Souvenir.

Discontinue use of Cooper Black.

Do not use more than two typefaces (e.g. font families) together.

Do not use more than three fonts from a font family, such as a bold, italic and plain.

Last modified: July 30, 2018 1:13 pm